

Jude Pender has troubles managing his emotions. Case in point: Cecile. He thinks he can bury his thoughts and that the rest of his neurons will naturally grow around them, leaving an obelisk that he can visit as if in a dream. He's wrong, and since he doesn't know when to give up, the result will be an explosive release after a series of betrayals.

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Haiku Reviews

Booked Up


Kindle Obsessed

We are introduced to a city of depravity, a misanthrope who is compelled to blast away others’ delusions of grandeur, a psych ward terrorized by an author, the entropic boredom at the heart of a car plant, a man who finds himself caught in the act of becoming a spider, a building with character encompassing several eras, a fellow who must come to terms with how he treated his brother, two love stories that defy expectations, two tales of the fantastic to be found in the Middle-East, childlike theism and a trailer park in space.

All Night by the Rose is a collection of short stories written by Kevin Newman between 2000-2010 and made available as an ebook in 2011. If you want to purchase the eBook:

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L.E. Olteano

Booked Up

Two Ends of the Pen


In this book, each photo is preempted by a four line poem and each of these four line poems link together into a whole matching the themes of each photo and the overall theme of this work of photography / poetry.

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